New Medicines Service

This service is directed a patients who have just be prescribed a new medicine from a particular list. The service seeks to help patients with any questions or concerns they have about taking their medicines by contacting the patient at agreed intervals into their treatment.


Patients newly prescribed a medicine for asthma, COPD, type 2 diabetes and anti-platelet/anticoagulant therapy or for hypertension can be offered the New Medicines Service (NMS). The patient needs to give consent for the pharmacist to contact them at agreed intervals after the patient has started taking their medicine. The confidential service provides the patient with the opportunity to let the pharmacist know who they are getting on with their medicine, if they have had any side effects or problems and to ask any questions about the medicine.


The service has been shown to help patients be more informed about their medicines, reduce wastage with medicines, identify any side effects sooner and improve the patients experience of taking their medicines and therefore the effect on their health.

Accessing this service

Enquire about this service at Badham Pharmacy today.